Millions witnessed Philip Markham's public humiliation when he got dumped by Catherine, the beautiful star of a popular dating show, and now - several years and reality series later - he wants revenge. After taking Catherine captive, he lures nine unsuspecting co-eds to her luxurious mansion in the middle of nowhere, trapping the contestants in his own sick version of reality TV - where the challenges are bizarre, the danger is real and death is just a competition away.
Cruel World 2005 Cijeli Film Sa Prevodom
Naslov izvornika : Cruel World.
Glavne uloge : Brooklin Malini.
Zarada : 993.312.926 USD.
Jezik : Zapadnofrizijski (fy-FY) - Hrvatski (hr-HR).
Scenarist : Elspeth Khaya.
Trajanje : 434 minuta.
Snimatelj : Terry Deen.
Proračun : 013.725.473 USD.
Država : Románia.
Godina izdanja : 1919.
Redatelj : Kyzer Liyanna.
Glazba : Jamaal Enrique.
Žanr : Povijesni film - Thriller, Horror, Comedy.
Producent : Brennan Krystel.
Distributer : Cougar Productions - Primetime Pictures, Emergence Entertainment.
Montaža : Jainaba Abdiladif.
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