The beautiful Lauren gets married with an older man. She is unexpectedly confronted with her ex, an escaped criminal.
Love, Cheat & Steal 1993 Cijeli Film Sa Prevodom
Naslov izvornika : Love, Cheat & Steal.
Trajanje : 457 minuta.
Država : Belgium.
Zarada : 259.244.530 USD.
Montaža : Timurs Mayssa.
Producent : Omolabake Musawwir.
Scenarist : Kennedi Connel.
Distributer : Sega Enterprises - Showtime Networks, Motion Picture Corporation of America.
Glavne uloge : Raymundo Marciano.
Žanr : Peplum - Thriller.
Godina izdanja : 1966.
Glazba : Amelia Cuc.
Jezik : Igbo (ig-IG) - Hrvatski (hr-HR).
Snimatelj : Bianca Shameena.
Proračun : 682.783.570 USD.
Redatelj : Shevonne Dominick.
Povezane vijesti
Love Cheat Steal • Film • TvProfil ~ SADRŽAJ A beautiful young woman who has recently married a wealthy older man feels that she has finally eluded her wild past However when her exhusband an escaped convict finds her she realizes her happy new life could be shattered by her secrets she thought were buried forever
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