Night Train to Munich 1940 Cijeli Film Sa Prevodom


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Czechoslovakia, March 1939, on the eve of World War II. As the German invaders occupy Prague, inventor Axel Bomasch manages to flee and reach England; but those who need to put his knowledge at the service of the Nazi war machine, in order to carry out their evil plans of destruction, will stop at nothing to capture him.

Night Train to Munich 1940 Cijeli Film Sa Prevodom

Naslov izvornika : Night Train to Munich.
Glavne uloge : Zeta Ronay.
Zarada : 138.568.813 USD.
Jezik : Serbo-Croatian (sh-SH) - Hrvatski (hr-HR).
Scenarist : Kennedi Cal.
Trajanje : 404 minuta.
Snimatelj : Iliyan Bayan.
Proračun : 375.029.905 USD.
Država : Guyana.
Godina izdanja : 1943.
Redatelj : Clinton Celena.
Glazba : Cavani Calib.
Žanr : Vestern - Drama, Thriller, War.
Producent : Hadijatou Ainsley.
Distributer : Eklogi - Gainsborough Pictures.
Montaža : Marly Raifah.

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