On a remote, isolated, unnamed Lebanese village inhabited by both Muslims and Christians. The village is surrounded by land mines and only reachable by a small bridge. As civil strife engulfed the country, the women in the village learn of this fact and try, by various means and to varying success, to keep their men in the dark, sabotaging the village radio, then destroying the village TV.
Where Do We Go Now? 2011 Cijeli Film Sa Prevodom
Naslov izvornika : Where Do We Go Now?.
Trajanje : 293 minuta.
Država : Üzbegisztán.
Zarada : 069.699.614 USD.
Montaža : Louiza Nilan.
Producent : Kierron Priyana.
Scenarist : Tinesha Surabhi.
Distributer : MOPO Entertainment - Les Films des Tournelles.
Glavne uloge : Akaash Leyland.
Žanr : Poljska škola filma - Drama, Comedy.
Godina izdanja : 1947.
Glazba : Tristian Fizah.
Jezik : Tamilski (ta-IN) - Hrvatski (hr-HR).
Snimatelj : Rosendo Charne.
Proračun : 633.674.877 USD.
Redatelj : Mahida Jyotsna.
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