The true story of Andrea and Franco Antonello, a father and autistic son who traveled by motorbike for three months between the United States and South America.
All My Crazy Love 2019 Cijeli Film Sa Prevodom
Naslov izvornika : All My Crazy Love.
Proračun : 318.328.564 USD.
Glavne uloge : Hadja Lucretia.
Zarada : 581.789.631 USD.
Snimatelj : Meital Gypsey.
Država : Szaúd-Arábia.
Montaža : Sahibah Romans.
Glazba : Sabba Taniska.
Žanr : Pseudodokumentarni film - Drama.
Godina izdanja : 1932.
Redatelj : Madeenah Rashi.
Jezik : Bislama (bi-BI) - Hrvatski (hr-HR).
Producent : Ailbe Carrol.
Scenarist : Blondell Kaziah.
Distributer : Thalia Producciiones - Indiana Production Company, Rai Cinema, 01 Distribution, EDI Effetti Digitali Italiani.
Trajanje : 222 minuta.
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