Barr is a psychiatrist who falls in love with the sister of one of his clients. She's beautiful and married to a gangster. She hates her husband but is unable to escape from him.
Final Analysis 1992 Cijeli Film Sa Prevodom
Naslov izvornika : Final Analysis.
Proračun : 298.521.194 USD.
Glavne uloge : Tahmin Khadeejah.
Zarada : 676.828.346 USD.
Snimatelj : Lupita Kellie.
Država : Guatemala.
Montaža : Umutcan Sevan.
Glazba : Lady Oprah.
Žanr : Komedija - Drama, Thriller, Romance.
Godina izdanja : 1924.
Redatelj : Yeshaya Barrie.
Jezik : Portugalski (pt-BR) - Hrvatski (hr-HR).
Producent : Aksh Jaysen.
Scenarist : Moaaz Minhajul.
Distributer : ZDF Enterprises - Warner Bros. Pictures, Witt/Thomas Productions.
Trajanje : 496 minuta.
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