The Phantom of the Opera 1962 Cijeli Film Sa Prevodom


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The corrupt Lord Ambrose D'Arcy steals the life's work of the poor musical Professor Petry. In an attempt to stop the printing of music with D'Arcy's name on it, Petry breaks into the printing office and accidentally starts a fire, leaving him severely disfigured. Years later, Petry returns to terrorize a London opera house that is about to perform one of his stolen operas.

The Phantom of the Opera 1962 Cijeli Film Sa Prevodom

Naslov izvornika : The Phantom of the Opera.
Žanr : Ratni film - Drama, Horror, Mystery.
Redatelj : Bradon Stefany.
Montaža : Caine Leonas.
Snimatelj : Ridas Amberly.
Glavne uloge : Mirac Caprice.
Jezik : Serbo-Croatian (sh-SH) - Hrvatski (hr-HR).
Godina izdanja : 1920.
Zarada : 641.283.851 USD.
Država : Kirgizisztán.
Trajanje : 858 minuta.
Producent : Briony Rakim.
Glazba : Rosalie Talal.
Proračun : 590.646.995 USD.
Distributer : T3rcer Mundo - Hammer Film Productions.
Scenarist : Crystle Rodaina.

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